
Hunter Moen

In February 2021, Hunter experienced a life-altering event that impacted his perspective on life. This prompted him to focus on improving his mental health and prioritizing the most essential aspects of his life: family, friends, and community.

In October 2021, Hunter began his AmeriCorps service with Lines for Life as part of the Healthy Minds Alliance program. He primarily supports community training initiatives, including Question Persuade Refer (QPR) and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training. He also has experience as a crisis call taker.

Hunter was born and raised in Oregon's Willamette Valley. He has a B.A. in History from the University of Oregon.

Hunter enjoys reading, writing, exploring the planet, listening to podcasts and music, consuming copious amounts of coffee, engaging in complex dialogue, spending time with loved ones, and being an uncle to his niece and two nephews.